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Shoreline Restorations, Buffers,  Reducing Phosphorus in Our Lake

                                                                                                                                         Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) is prevalent in Skogman Lake.  Two species that affect fishing, boating, and recreation are Clover Leaf Pondweed (CLP) and Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM), which feed off phosphorus.  Reducing runoff into the lake will help reduce the phosphorus level. The last DNR test had the lake at total phosphorus of 44 which is above the recommended level.  Did you know that 1 pound of Phosphorus can produce 500 pounds of algae in one year!  We all can reduce the water runoff by creating buffers, planting native grasses, using rain barrels, and creating rain gardens.  Contact your Skogman LID Lake Steward, Isanti SWCD, or MLR to get ideas on how to enhance your lawn in order to reduce the water runoff into Skogman Lake.


New Funding

Through the Rum River Watershed Partnership, Isanti SWCD has funding for shoreline projects on Both Blue and Skogman Lakes. With this opportunity, 75% of the project cost will be covered by the available funding. 


Please contact Todd Kulaf at 763-689-3271 if you are interested in this opportunity in playing a role in protecting the health of your lake.



There are DNR simple steps lake property owners can take to become better shore land stewards.


  1. Protect existing native trees, shrubs, and plants.

  2. Stop fertilizing and using lawn chemicals. If you water your lawn with water pumped from the lake, the use of chemical fertilizer is unnecessary because the lake water already contains nitrogen and phosphorus. If you feel you must fertilize, do so once a year, in the fall.  Don't fertilize near the shoreline to prevent runoff into the lake,

  3. We highly recommend no broadcast spraying of insecticides and pesticides. Please be kind to pollinators.

  4. “No mow, let it grow!” This is the simplest and least expensive way to restore the shoreline and add a natural buffer to the lakeshore. First, stop mowing a 10 - 15ft wide strip of grass near the water’s edge. If you have a beach, the buffer can be directly behind the beach. A buffer of native vegetation will help prevent erosion and will intercept some of the nutrients and pollutants that would otherwise enter the lake.

  5. If you don’t like the look of an un-mowed buffer, you can plant a buffer of native wildflowers and sedges. Bushes or trees can also be added. Check with the Skogman LID Lake Steward to get suggestions on shoreline buffers and projects. A buffer of native plants will add color and beauty to your shoreline and provide food and habitat for birds, butterflies, and other pollinators.

  6. If you riprap or place boulders on the shoreline, do not spray with herbicides as toxins go into the lake. If you let nature take its course, native plants such as jewelweed, milkweed, and blue flag iris may naturally germinate, or you can plant them within the riprap.

  7. Have your septic system tested and keep it working properly. Faulty septic accounts for lake pollution.  Learn more about maintaining your septic system HERE.

  8. Criteria on being a Lake Steward click here.

  9. You could earn a Lake Steward sign.

  10. Are you a Lake Steward?




Ways to reduce phosphorus runoff into the lake and save your shoreline.  Click the links below to learn more.

Contact Mark Funfar, Skogman LID Lake Steward, to provide more information and guidance for your lawn and lakeshore.

From Skogman Lake 

Check out the Links section to review the Partnership with Isanti SWCD: 2022 Skogman Lake Monitoring Report, Shoreline Assessment and 2023 Management Plan going forward.

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